Thursday, July 25, 2013

women issues in pakistan

what do you think about this solutions?
women issues in pakistan

women issues in pakistan

women issues in pakistan What led you to join the EDI Foundation? What were the conditions (EDI Foundation) that when you join?

I was in school at the time and recently sat for my exams in eighth grade women issues in pakistan . I was not very fond of the study, so I left school and joined the training for nurses in the training center for nurses EDI. Later, EDI Sahib asked me, and we got married in April 1966.

EDI sahib only possessions were at that time an old broken car and a small clinic to women issues in pakistan . There was a maternity home on the first floor with 6-7 beds, a small room - 6 'x 6' on the ground floor which serves as an office and a room similar to the first floor. Not much more than even when we had very for women issues in pakistan limited resources, people used to leave their children with us. I used to take care of them.

What was your first major experience in the EDI Foundation - something that leaves an impact on you since the beginning of your career?

During the 1965 war with India, the attacks were a series of brutally mutilated bodies have washed for burial. Sometimes recovered only an arm, leg or head women issues in pakistan . We were about 60-70 workers, including volunteers collecting bodies, then wash women issues in pakistan .

What are your current responsibilities to the Foundation?

My current responsibilities include management of the ladies section, giving children up for adoption - especially special care sections of women and children women issues in pakistan  related to Pakistan. My two daughters also work closely with me. We regularly visit our centers across Pakistan to monitor their activities and give suggestions and recommendations on how we feel the work should be done. We also appeal to our centers every day to ask if our help is needed with anything women issues in pakistan .

Regarding the adoption of children, are the criteria used to approve / disapprove the couples who want to adopt a child?

Couples wishing to adopt a child are interviewed by me women issues in pakistan . My criteria for adoption are:

• Even after 10-12 years of marriage, the couple remains childless.
• salary prospective father and women issues in pakistan  should be reasonable.
• Prospective parents should not have problems with alcohol or drugs.
• The age of the mother must be less than 50 years.
• The couple must have a house

Do not give children to couples who women issues in pakistan  change your home - continue to go from one place to another.

Children physically or mentally disabled are supported by us. We have a separate section for them, where to clean, feed, play with them, etc. They stay with us for the rest of their lives.

Aside from disabled children, what about the other children to women issues in pakistan  do not get adopted?

This is not a problem. We have more than 4,000 applications in hand. We do not have enough children to give to people for women issues in pakistan . We have to be careful in the choice of future parents. We have a Sharia up we become parents sign which is mentioned in the case of separation of the parents, the Centre claim the child or let the child stay with the mother.

EDI Foundation continues to expand by adding new  services being occasionally women issues in pakistan . How do you see the future of Pakistan because of the services provided to you?

When we go abroad come back with lots of ideas. My husband dreams of the day in the wellness facilities here are comparable to those women issues in pakistan  found abroad. But now seems a distant dream. Do not even try drinking water here. Load shedding is a constant problem. After the recent oil spill [in Karachi] when the tanker broke in women issues in pakistan two, people have said that our women issues in pakistan  country had gone back 20 years in time. As far as I'm concerned, the past 55 years, we have not advanced. We are still where we were 55 years ago women issues in pakistan .

[EDI sahib and I] both think of things for the future. EDI Sahib, when you have an idea as you type. In 1976, we were involved in an accident that took place near a city with no airport or airfield nearby. Around this time a building collapsed in Karachi - Ismail Building women issues in pakistan . This was the time Hutton Sahib was in power. Aware of the lack of EDI sahib disaster scene who asked where he was being informed of the situation women issues in pakistan . Bhutto sahib immediately sent a small plane to pick us up. EDI Sahib was admitted to the Civil Hospital Karachi where shortly after getting consciousness, said he would like to buy an airplane. I asked how you will be able to afford a plane - the current situation is such that when you put your hand in your pocket for a few coins women issues in pakistan , the wire is in place. It has not women issues in pakistan  discouraged and moved on. Alhamdulillah now have an aircraft, helicopters all.

What was to be the wife of EDI Sahib?

He is a good man. A little more than a character, but a good heart. It has not yet built his own house. During the first 4-5 years after marriage, I lived in the roof. Later, after the birth of my four children, moved to my mother's house. My mother took care of my children. Daily used to mix between your home and the EDI Centre. After the children grew up and got married, my mother died. EDI Sahib spends most of his time in EDI Centre. Even when we were with my mother, most of which was spent  women issues in pakistan  taking care of the affairs of the EDI Foundation. In the 36-37 years of marriage have been at least 36 times in EDI Sahib never came home at night. I practically lived at the EDI Centre Ithaca here. Even now, when our children want to see, bring a lunch from home and come eat with us women issues in pakistan .

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