Wednesday, July 24, 2013

mens health issues

what do you think about this solutions?

mens health issues

mens health issues

mens health issues They say that the proportion of men and women today is 1:10, which means that for every man there are ten women who are behind it mens health issues. From these statistics, we can see that the female population grows but men do not. And the reason is that men are not really aware of their health today. They may seem to forget things that are really important and that is your health.

Health issues are always in the news these days and that is to educate a large number of people about their health, especially their sexual health. Sexual health problems of common men are prostate cancer, sexually transmitted or STDs mens health issues, AIDS, or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome disease mens health issues. There is also a problem about erectile dysfunction commonly known as impotence is a serious problem for couples who want to have a baby, but then you are blessed because of this disease mens health issues.

Issues of STDs and AIDS are very common because all men practiced using a condom every time they engage in sexual interactions with different women. Too bad this disease is incurable and only have a few mens health issues chances of survival. Prevention really depends on the person and it is to him to use a condom, even if they are not comfortable with it.

Another disease that is far advanced prostate cancer. Questions about this is the word of mouth of every man. According to the mens health issues early years of the study, thin men are more likely to have prostate cancer than obese men, but after studying the issue again led to a result that obese men are at high risk even twice the risk of dying from prostate cancer. This is because the early prostate cancer is difficult to detect in obese mens health issues men who end up having a high effect of prostate cancer risk.

Obesity also affects the problems of the human heart, because of being an obese have a higher risk of having heart failure risk than thin people. Being overweight does not bring you good luck, because it's only going to acquire a large number of diseases that could end his life mens health issues. And for obese men to prevent this disease should be aware of their health problems especially your diet. Eat plenty of healthy foods will give a healthy sex life.

mens health issues:
Lastly, private sexual problems men have premature ejaculation. This is where they have difficulty controlling the time of release of sperm. In this section mens health issues, you worry too much if your partner feels satisfaction in their sexual relationship. To solve this kind of sexual problems, men should mens health issues consult a doctor so that you can be guided accordingly.

There are many solutions for all diseases, and we are if we were to apply it to everything we do. Prevention is better than the first because  having these diseases traitor only shorten the life of men. And to enjoy your life to start paying more attention to their health.

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